2019 U.S. Pizza Team competes in Italy

Follow the 2019 team, @uspizzateam, as they compete at The World Pizza Championship in Parma, Italy April 9-11

2019 USPT Spring Acrobatic Trials Wrap-up

The United States Pizza Team (USPT), PMQ Pizza Magazine, Go Live Sports Cast and Sofo Foods sponsored the Spring Acrobatic Trials at the 2019 Sofo Signature Showcase in Toledo, Ohio Sunday, April 28th. Dough acrobats from around the region converged to try for the grand prize of a trip London to compete in the European […]

2019 USPT Winter Acrobatic Trials: Behind the Scenes

The story of what it took to pull of our first big event on ESPN3.

2019 USPT Winter Acrobatics Trials: Competition Highlights

Scott Volpe of Tucson, Arizona-based Fiamme Pizza claimed the first-place trophy in the dough-spinning Freestyle Acrobatics category of the U.S. Pizza Team’s Acrobatic Trials, held Monday, Jan. 14, at the Mid-America Restaurant Expo in Columbus, Ohio.

3 Trending Pizzerias in Chicago You Have to Try

3 unique pizzerias you must try in Chicago. Beyond the Deep Dish here are a few pizzerias that are trending right now.

A Discussion on Call Centers w Kevin L. of NYPD Pizza & John S. of Pizza Cloud

Kevin Leidecker of NYPD Pizza and John Scully of Pizza Cloud have an in-depth discussion of how call centers have changed Kevin’s operation, lowered his costs and raised his revenues. Sponsored Content.

Are Call Centers Right for You?

Kevin Leidecker of NYPD Pizza and John Scully of Pizza Cloud have an in-depth discussion of how call centers have changed Kevin’s operation, lowered his costs and raised his revenues.